Uncomfortable Intervention
Heroin addiction is a serious addiction. The cheap cost and easy availability of heroin make it more appealing than prescription opioids. People who are addicted to the drug have to use it daily to avoid withdrawal. The longer that they use heroin, the more addicted they’ll become. When people develop a heroin addiction, the drug becomes the center of their lives. Things that they used to cherish lose importance. They often believe that they’ll be addicted forever, and they can’t see a way to escape. But heroin treatment can help people rebuild their lives. What Is Heroin? Heroin is an illicit substance that belongs to a class of drugs called opioids. These drugs are sometimes referred to as narcotics. Heroin sold on the street can have several nicknames, including smack, dope, and horse. The scientific name for heroin, which is derived from morphine, is diacetylmorphine. Morphine occurs naturally in opium, the sap inside the seed of the opium poppy plant. People use heroin to...