
Showing posts from December, 2019

Butt Implants, Butt Enhancements, Butt Augmentations, "BBL"(Brazilian Butt Lifts) or "The Big Booty"

Watch! Patient Jabrena Is Flipping Out Over Her Butt Implants—Find Out Why! In this Botched episode. What are butt implants? Butt implants are artificial devices surgically placed in the buttocks to create volume in the area. This procedure has grown increasingly popular in recent years. One estimate reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons notes that buttock augmentation surgery has increased by 252 percent between the years 2000 and 2015. The most popular types of buttock-related surgeries include butt lifts, implants, and augmentation with fat grafting. Despite their popularity, butt implant surgeries aren’t without risk. American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has documented a 95.6 percent satisfaction rate concerning this type of surgery based on ratings. Despite the high success rate, butt implant surgery still poses risks. Some of the most common side effects include: excessive bleeding after surgery pain scarring skin discoloration...

Excuses and Reasons you are not successful

Reasons you are unsuccessful ex·cuse verb 3rd person present:  excuses /ikˈskyo͞oz/ 1. attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); seek to defend or justify. "he did nothing to hide or excuse Jacob's cruelty" Similar: justify defend make excuses for make a case for explain (away) rationalize condone vindicate warrant mitigate palliate apologize for forgive overlook disregard ignore pass over turn a blind eye to turn a deaf ear to wink at blink at indulge tolerate sanction extenuate Opposite: condemn 2....